Angela McCarthy

Angela McCarthy

Associate Teaching Professor

Fields of Study: American Politics, Methodology

2060G Jenkins Nanovic Halls


B.A. Louisiana State University; M.A. Southeastern Louisiana University (History)
M.A. Louisiana State University (Political Science)
Ph.D. Louisiana State University

Director of Undergraduate Studies

Angela McCarthy is an Associate Teaching Professor of Political Science specializing in Political Behavior and Public Opinion. Her work has been published in Political Research QuarterlyThe Journal for the Scientific Study of ReligionGeographical Review, the Journal of Women, Politics & Policy, and Social Science Quarterly. Currently, McCarthy is working on two co-authored manuscripts entitled "Religiosity and the Pocketbook Over Time: A Long View on How Religion and Income Structure Partisan and Ideological Orientations" and "Continuity and Change in the Determinants and Effects of Attitudes Toward Same-Sex Marriage, 2004-2020." McCarthy's research focuses on contemporary social-value and economic concerns among individuals.

McCarthy has dedicated much of her time to undergraduate teaching. Her teaching interests include Ethics, Morality Policy, Religion and Politics, Contemporary Issues in Public Opinion, and Research Methods. She believes teaching is an interactive enterprise where students must engage with course materials, contribute to class discussion, and reflect on critical thinking exercises. McCarthy's primary objective is to provide students with the tools and resources to articulate their unique and well-informed opinions. McCarthy also serves as an advisor and mentor to undergraduate students, helping students with course selection and academic and professional career planning. Her approach to advising is to provide students with available opportunities and aid them in discerning their path.

Before coming to Notre Dame, McCarthy was the Experiential Learning Coordinator and Assistant Instructional Professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Florida. While there, she was awarded the Teacher of the Year for the College of Arts and Sciences. In addition, McCarthy earned the Distinguished Dissertation Award at Louisiana State University for her dissertation entitled, "The Religious Impact: Understanding the Influences of Religiosity on Attitudes Toward Policy Issues."

Spring 2024 Office Hours*
Tuesday 9:00 am - 10:45 am
Wednesday 10:30 am - 2:00 pm
Thursday 9:00 am - 10:45 am
Friday by email appointment
*Appointment required

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