Raege Omar

Raege Omar

Fields of Study: International Relations, Comparative Politics


Areas of Interest: Peace Studies, Horn of Africa, Conflict Memory, Transnational Social Movements, Legal Mobilization

Raege is a first-year doctoral student pursuing PhD work in the joint Peace Studies and Political Science program at the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies in the University of Notre Dame’s Keough School of Global Affairs. His research areas of interest include forced migration, conflict memory and transnational social movements in legal mobilization building upon the renewed global shift directed towards more accountability against impunity in gross human rights violations.

Raege hopes to draw on his lived experience in conflict, international relations and comparative politics to study multilayered causal relationships in patterns of transnational diaspora activism influenced by conflict memory with temporal and contingent history. He previously completed a Master of Science in Sociology at the University of Texas San Antonio. His master’s thesis analyzed disaggregated World Values Surveys country level data to investigate the deleterious effects of ecological and socio-economic strain on subjective wellbeing in South Africa, a country in transition from collective memory of the apartheid system. Raege is also a McNair Scholar with dual degrees in highest honors (magna cum laude) from the University of Texas San Antonio.

Raege is a Dean’s Fellowship recipient at the University of Notre Dame.