DEI Resources

Resources to foster an inclusive environment:

Notre Dame

Notre Dame's Principles of Diversity and Inclusion


APSA Diversity and Inclusion Report 2018


Resources to ensure your syllabi include a diverse range of scholars. 

Jane Lawrence Sumner (MN) has developed a Gender Balance Assessment Tool (GBAT) for evaluating the gender balance of syllabi.

Recent Kellogg fellow Amy Erica Smith (Iowa State) and collaborators have produced a database of graduate syllabi in political science (and yes, you can search for your own name).

Speaking Invitations

If you are involved in inviting speakers to campus, please be sure to consult the databases from both Women Also Know Stuff and People of Color Also Know Stuff.


Below are a series of documents and websites that you might find helpful to ensure that your classroom teaching is inclusive. 

Creating Inclusive College Classrooms, Saunders and Kardia 1997, University of Michigan 

Inclusive Moves, The Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning, Harvard University 

Faculty Diversity Training Programs and Best Practices, Academic Senate 2016, University of Southern California.  

Diversity and Inclusion in the College Classroom, Faculty Focus Special Report, Bart ed. 2015. 

Diversity Training for Faculty and Graduate Students, Belanger-Rioux and Anhalt 2016, Harvard University. 

Inclusion by Design: Survey Your Syllabus and Course Design, Brantmeier, Broscheid, and Moore eds. 2016, James Madison University. 

'Ask Me': What LGBTQ Students Want Their Professors to Know, Chronicle of Higher Education 2015.

Teaching Beyond the Gender Binary in the University Classroom, Harbin 2015, Vanderbilt University