2020 Senior Thesis

Author: Celeste Lourigan

Join us in celebrating the 2020 Political Science Senior Thesis writers.


*Not pictured above

William Finn
“Containing China: Projecting Future American Containment Policy through an Analysis of Cold War Containment Strategies”
Advisor: Rosemary Kelanic

Cindy Giron
“The Mobilization of Farmworker Youth Advocates”
Advisor: Karen Richman (Institute for Latino Studies)

Donna Hoang
“Civic Education in Cambodia: The Influence of Hybridity and Friction on Curriculum”
Advisor: Caroline Hughes (Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies)

Prathm Juneja
“One Name, One Vote: Studying the Impact of the Interstate Voter Registration Crosscheck Program on Voter Turnout Rates”
Advisor: David Campbell

Isabel Lane
“The Atomization of Society in
American and European Tradition”
Advisor: Mary Keys

Patrick O’Mara
“The Beginning of a New Era: What the Demise of the
Intermediate Nuclear Forces, New START, and Open Skies
Treaties mean for the future of Global Nuclear Arms Control”
Advisor: Dan Lindley

Nicholas Ottone
“Multi-Racial Resentment? The Relationship Between
Racial Identity and the Racial Resentment Scale”
Advisor: David Campbell

Jacob Rinear
“Tocqueville Through Raz-Colored Glasses: A Liberal Approach to the Cultivation of Morals and the Maintenance of Good Government”
Advisor: Mary Keys

Ian Salzman
“Neoliberalism in Economic Development and Human Capital Development: Political Incorporation in Newark, SanAntonio, and South Bend”
Advisor: Luis Fraga

Drew Venter
“' Impossible' Possibilities: The Role of Government and Market Forces in the Interest Group Clash Over Plant-based Meats”
Advisor: Joshua Kaplan

Wenda Xiang
“Investigation of State-Religion Interactions in Pingliang”
Advisor: Karrie Koesel