Graduating Senior Spotlight- Katie Rose

Author: Alicia LeRoy

Here's another Graduating Senior Spotlight: Katie Rose!


1. What opportunity are you pursuing after graduation?

-"I will be working with Deloitte Consulting as a Business Technology Analyst starting in September."

2. How has your PoliSci degree prepared you for the job after graduation?
-"My PoliSci degree has taught me to process lots of information and pull out the important aspects. Through writing a thesis I learned how to take an issue, research it, develop an argument, and express it through writing. I don't think people realize how helpful and widely applicable these skills are, but they have been extremely useful to me outside of the classroom in various activities and internships over the past few years."

3. Where do you plan on going in the future? (career path)
-"I hope to go to graduate school in a few years and work in foreign affairs, hopefully landing in policy work at some point."

4. What advice would you give to someone considering a Poli Sci major?
-"Take every class that sounds interesting and get to know your professors! The PoliSci professors here are incredible, so get to know them. They will help you with life outside of the classroom, and they are great mentors."

Wise words ;)