Graduating Senior Spotlight- Kelly McRaven

Author: Alicia LeRoy

Kelly McRaven is a PoliSci major who is involved in Women in Politics, Beyond Politics, and Pi Sigma Alpha.  


1. What opportunity are you pursuing after graduation?
-"After graduation, I will be pursuing a Masters in Security Studies at Georgetown."

2. How has your PoliSci degree prepared you for the job after graduation?
-"Political Science has provided me with research, writing, and analytical skills that will be essential my future career. During two summer internships on Capitol Hill, I saw how the skills learned in the classroom can be transferred to the policy-making world and other career fields. The Political Science major has also given me the opportunity to explore a wide variety of topics from southern politics to international security, which has helped me define my interests." 

3. Where do you plan on going in the future? 
-"In the future, I would like to work on defense policy."

4. What advice would you give to someone considering a PoliSci major?
-"Get involved and follow your interests! There are so many opportunities at Notre Dame and I would definitely encourage everyone to apply for research grants, do internships, and take classes that interest you!"