Graduating Senior Spotlight- Kelsey Blais

Author: Alicia LeRoy

Here is another fantastic interview with a graduating senior: Kelsey Blais!


1. What opportunity are you pursuing after graduation?
-"After graduation, I will be working as a Financial Services Advisor for KPMG in Chicago, IL. That's really just a fancy way of saying that I'm going into Consulting. As a Financial Advisor, I will analyze data, work face-to-face with clients, and help to develop and implement solutions to business challenges." 

2. How has your PoliSci degree prepared you for the job after graduation?
-"While most people would expect a Financial Services Advisor to have a degree in Finance, I feel that my PoliSci degree has given me all the tools I need to succeed in the field. My studies as a Political Science major have given me a broad knowledge of the world's ever-changing landscape and have schooled me in global economic events and their impact on our financial markets. Throughout my PoliSci courses, I was able to hone in on my critical thinking and research skills as well as engage in active discussion with my peers and instructors. Furthermore, my PoliSci education has provided me the opportunity to partake in individual case studies of both international actors and events, during which I was responsible for analyzing data, deducing common traits, constructing hypotheses, and offering conclusions and solutions."

3. Where do you plan on going in the future?
-"While I do not have any set "plan" for my career path, my start in Consulting will not only give me broad exposure to multiple aspects of a business but also a variety of businesses that will allow me to discover and pursue my own passions. Eventually, I plan on returning to school to get my MBA -- hopefully somewhere a bit warmer than South Bend..."

4. What advice would you give to someone considering a PoliSci major?
-"While I didn't come to ND with an intention of being a Political Science major, I think it is one of the best decisions I have ever made. I knew that I wanted to go into Business after college, but I also was aware that a degree from the University of Notre Dame would allow me to do anything I set my mind toward. What I liked most about Political Science was its ability to be highly pertinent and challenging, while also allowing me to be creative and develop my writing abilities. As a PoliSci major, you are open to HUGE variety of classes ranging all the way from Religion in American Politics to Globalization of Africa. The relatively small class sizes allow you to form arguments, participate, and debate without feeling overwhelmed or intimidated. Moreover, PoliSci allows you to have the flexibility in your schedule to take classes outside of the major that you might be interested in. Unlike many majors with structured four year plans, I was able to take courses in Business, Computer Applications, Psychology, Music -- you name it! College is all about learning, growing, and developing a unique skill set that will make you an asset to your career of choice. A degree in Political Science gives you the tools to open virtually any door you want to. Get internships that enhance your education and take courses you are passionate about, and you will be a success at ND!"

Kelsey's is a unique perspective to consider! She's not pursuing what you might consider a typical Political Science career. The job field is wide open when you graduate with a PoliSci degree- you aren't limited in any way!