Roundup of dCEC Director's Media Appearances Discussing Dobbs

Author: Kenneth Hallenius

Amicus Brief in Dobbs SCOTUS case

O. Carter Snead, director of the de Nicola Center for Ethics and Culture, has extensively discussed the Supreme Court's case Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, the leak that preceded the final decision, and the wider questions about human flourishing that underlie so much of the public debate about abortion. Here is a comprehensive catalog of his scholarship, writing, interviews, and media mentions on these topics:


Essays, Commentaries, Op-Eds

"Opinion: The pro-life movement’s work is just beginning" (with Mary Ann Glendon)
Washington Post
June 29, 2022

"20 Ways the Supreme Court Just Changed America" (#9 of 20 responses in the piece)
Politico Magazine
June 25, 2022

"Opinion: Roe was very bad for America. The court gives us a chance to reset"
June 24, 2022

Director's Statement on the Dobbs v. Jackson decision
dCEC website
June 24, 2022

"Abortion would be best governed by legislatures, says O. Carter Snead"
The Economist
June 22, 2022

"Opinion: The leak shows why abortion policy should be returned to the states"
Washington Post
May 5, 2022

"Inhuman Nature"
National Review
November 11, 2021

"The Case for Overturning Roe" (with Mary Ann Glendon)
National Affairs
Fall 2021 

"Opinion: Critics of Texas’s Convoluted Abortion Law Have A Point. The Solution is to Overturn Roe
Washington Post
September 6, 2021

"Opinion: A Time for Courage on the Supreme Court"
May 20, 2021

Print, Radio, and Podcast Interviews

The Dobbs Decision and the Bioethics of Abortion
"Free Expression Podcast" with Gerry Baker
Wall Street Journal
June 28, 2022
The Dobbs v. Jackson Case – Part 4 (Part 3Part 2Part 1)
"We The People Podcast" with Jeffrey Rosen
National Constitution Center
June 27, 2022
"Goodbye, Roe v. Wade [Bonus Hour]" (Snead interview begins at 32:03)
"The Ben Shapiro Show" with Ben Shapiro
June 24, 2022
"Anti-abortion activist weighs in on SCOTUS overturning Roe v. Wade"
"Here and Now," produced by WBUR (syndicated by National Public Radio)
June 24, 2022

NPR’s Live Coverage of the Dobbs Announcement (non-archived audio)
National Public Radio
June 24, 2022
"Life After Dobbs: What Happens Next?"
Interview with Charlie Camosy
June 24, 2022
Flash Panel: "The Leak, the Supreme Court, and the Future of Abortion in America"
Hosted by V. Phillip Muñoz
Notre Dame Center for Citizenship and Constitutional Government
May 3, 2022
"O. Carter Snead on Bioethics, What It Means to Be Human, and the Pro-Life Movement After Dobbs"
"Humanize Podcast" with Wesley J. Smith
The Discovery Institute
April 25, 2022
Interview: What It Means to Be Human (Episode 153)
"Mars Hill Audio Journal" with Ken Myers
March 24, 2022

"Why Roe Must Go with Carter Snead"
"National Affairs Podcast" with Daniel Wiser, Jr. and Evan Myers
National Affairs
November 7, 2021

Amicus Briefs and Scholarship

Amici Curiae Brief (with Mary Ann Glendon)
Filed before the Supreme Court in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization
July 29, 2021

Grievously and Egregiously Wrong: American Abortion Jurisprudence” (with Alyson Cox)
Texas Review of Law and Policy
November 10, 2021 (revised March 28, 2022)

Media Mentions of dCEC Director and the Women & Children First Initiative

"America Is About to See Just How Pro-life Republicans Actually Are"
Elaine Godfrey, mentioning the Women and Children First Initiative
The Atlantic
June 26, 2022
"Seven myths about overturning Roe v. Wade"
Jonah McKeown, referencing Snead's piece in The Economist
Catholic News Agency
June 24, 2022
"Some Catholic abortion foes are uneasy about overturning Roe"
David Crary, mentioning the Women and Children First Initiative
Associated Press (syndicated)
May 13, 2022
"Ten Books to Understand the Abortion Debate in the United States"
Joshua Prager, listing Snead's book What It Means to Be Human
New York Times
May 5, 2022
"If the Supreme Court reverses on abortion, it will be righting grievous wrongs"
Archbishop Thomas Wenski, quoting Professor Snead
Miami Herald
May 5, 2022

University of Notre Dame presents Evangelium Vitae Medal
Ann Carey, mentioning the Women and Children First Initiative
Today’s Catholic
April 27, 2022

Originally published by Kenneth Hallenius at on June 29, 2022.