The Legacy Project: Preserving and Engaging the Digital Archive of the Colombian Truth Commission


Location: Auditorium, Hesburgh Center for International Studies/Zoom Webinar

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The Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, in collaboration with the Lucy Family Institute for Data and Society and the Clingen Family Center for the Study of Modern Ireland celebrates the migration of the Colombian Truth Commission’s digital archives of transmedia (TM) content, encompassing over 200,000 audiovisual and textual materials, to the University of Notre Dame’s servers and global platform. With the financial support of Humanity United Foundation, the University of Notre Dame will give the world unfettered access to the TM on a secure online platform open to expert and non-expert audiences, victims, civil society groups, artists, and scholars alike.

Members of the Truth Commission’s team, experts in this vast TM archive, will join us to share their insights on the internal processes of the work of the Commission during its mandate. The lessons learned from the data and technical work surrounding the peacebuilding and reconciliation activities will be relevant to faculty and fellows, researchers, and graduate and undergraduate students in the social sciences, data science, and humanities.

A reception will follow in the Hesburgh Center Great Hall.

Schedule of Events

Opening Remarks: Erin B. Corcoran, Acting Director and Executive Director of the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies; Associate Teaching Professor

Panel Moderator: Leslie Wingender, Director, Peacebuilding at Humanity United

Panel 1:

The Colombian Truth Commission and the Transmedia Digital Archive


  • Maria Paula Prada, Colombian Truth Commission
  • Marcela Peláez, Colombian Truth Commission
  • Andrea González, Colombian Truth Commission
  • Gabriel Moreno, Colombian Truth Commission

Panel 2:

The Legacy Project at the University of Notre Dame


  • Josefina Echavarría, Director of the Peace Accords Matrix (PAM); Associate Professor of the Practice
  • Matthew Sisk, Associate Professor of the Practice, Lucy Family Institute for Data & Society
  • Aníbal Pérez-Liñán, Professor of Political Science and Global Affairs; Director, Kellogg Institute for International Studies
  • Colin Barr, Professor of Modern Irish History; Director, Clingen Family Center for the Study of Modern Ireland

A Q&A will follow the two panel discussions. 

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This event is co-sponsored by the Kroc Institute for International Peace StudiesLucy Family Institute for Data & SocietyClingen Family Center for the Study of Modern Ireland, and Humanity United. With the support of Notre Dame Research

Originally published at