Rooney Center Seminar: "Taking Stock of Solidarity Between People of Color" with Efrén Pérez


Location: 1030 Jenkins Nanovic Halls

Efren Perez profile picture

Efrén Pérez (Ph.D., Duke University) is Full Professor of Political Science and Psychology at UCLA, where he directs its Race, Ethnicity, Politics, and Society (REPS) Lab and co-directs its Intergroup Relations (IRL) Lab.


Efrén draws on psychological principles to better understand the political attitudes and behaviors of racial and ethnic groups in the United States, especially people of color. His research primarily focuses on group identity, interminority politics, and language and public opinion. He is an expert in the design and analysis of experiments, especially with hard-to-reach populations like African Americans, Asian Americans, and Latinos. He is also skilled in developing and validating measures of attitudes and beliefs in intergroup settings.

Efrén has published articles on these topics in leading journals for general science, political science, and psychological science, including Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, American Political Science Review, American Journal of Political Science, Journal of Politics, Political Psychology, and Social Psychological and Personality Science. His book, Unspoken Politics: Implicit Attitudes and Political Thinking (Cambridge University Press), was the recipient of the 2017 Best Book Award from the Race, Ethnicity, and Politics Section of the American Political Science Association; and the 2017 Best Book on Latino Politics from the Latino Caucus of the American Political Science Association.


This is an academic research talk intended for Notre Dame faculty, staff, and grad students. This event will not be open to the public.

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