
The Department of Political Science does not offer a minor. However, these interdisciplinary minors can complement the Political Science major.

Constitutional Studies

This minor is designed to encourage students to confront fundamental questions concerning justice, the rule of law, and human flourishing. Courses approach these topics from a variety of historical, cultural, disciplinary, and philosophical perspectives. Learn more at constudies.nd.edu.
Location: 2040 Nanovic Hall
Director: Vincent Phillip Muñoz  /  vmunoz@nd.edu  /  (574) 631-0489
Co-Director:  Don Stelluto  /  Donald.Stelluto.1@nd.edu  /  (574) 631-7873

Hesburgh Program in Public Service

This is a career-oriented minor for students with an interest in public policy, ethical leadership, and the pursuit of just responses to issues in American society. Learn more at hesburghprogram.nd.edu.

Location: 2040 Nanovic Hall
Assistant Director:  Claudia Francis  /  canewalt@nd.edu  /  (574) 631-5018
Schedule an appointment

International Security Studies minor

The International Security Studies minor is open to Notre Dame students in any major, and no application is required. Minors and fellows take the same specialized coursework, and both groups participate in the NDISC seminars, but the other requirements differ. A capstone is not required to complete the ISS minor, although students are welcome to pursue one in consultation with the minor’s directors. ISS minors are also welcome to participate in NDISC networking and professional development opportunities as long as space is available. Learn more at ndisc.nd.edu.
Co-Director: Dan Lindley / dlindley@nd.edu / (574) 631-3226
Co-Director: Ian Johnson / ijohnso2@nd.edu

Philosophy, Politics, and Economics

The PPE minor is designed for students with serious interests at the intersection of political theory, political philosophy, and economic theory. It aims to help students acquire some fluency in each of the disciplines, as well as provide a forum where all three disciplines can be brought to bear on common problems.

Contact: Professor Paul Weithman / 406 Malloy Hall / pweithma@nd.edu / (574) 631-5182